Sunday, March 28, 2010

Don't you just love it when some guy crashes into a telephone pole across from your house and KNOCKS DOWN YOUR MAILBOX, and then losing power at 7 A.M. due to the down telephone pole? Well I do. Not really. He he. Well that's the picture of the car that...well...let me tell you the story.

It was a rainy Tuesday morning, about 7:02 A.M. I was in a dead sleep and 'Crack'. The telephone pole across my yard is DOWN on a car. I got right out of my bed and went over to my parent's room right next to mine.
She got right up out of bed, along with my dad, and we decided we had to call 911.
There were two guys in the car, and they were working night shift at their work. The driver fell asleep, and first crashed into our mailbox (you can see the little white thing on the right of the picture...well that's my mailbox.) And then crashed into our telephone pole, making us lose power and made us have a power line run across our front yard. The bus for school wasn't able to drive down my road, so my neighbor and friend, Olivia, well her dad anyway, had to drive me to school.
Here's a word of advice...NEVER FALL ASLEEP DRIVING.
Oh, and this happened about a week ago, by the way.

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